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 88 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1995-2000)
Canceled/Ended in 2000

Episodes of "Sliders"

Season 1 :

s01e01   Pilot (1/2)
s01e02   Pilot (2/2)
s01e03   Fever
s01e04   Last Days
s01e05   Prince Of Wails
s01e06   Summer Of Love
s01e07   Eggheads
s01e08   The Weaker Sex
s01e09   The King Is Back
s01e10   Luck Of The Draw

Season 2 :

s02e01   Into The Mystic
s02e02   Love Gods
s02e03   Gillian Of The Spirits
s02e04   The Good, The Bad, And The Wealthy
s02e05   El Sid
s02e06   Time Again And World
s02e07   In Dino Veritas
s02e08   Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
s02e09   Obsession
s02e10   Greatfellas
s02e11   The Young & The Relentless
s02e12   Invasion
s02e13   As Time Goes By

Season 3 :

s03e01   Rules Of The Game
s03e02   Double Cross
s03e03   Electric Twister Acid Test
s03e04   The Guardian
s03e05   The Dream Masters
s03e06   Desert Storm
s03e07   Dragon Slide
s03e08   The Fire Within
s03e09   The Prince Of Slides
s03e10   Dead Man Sliding
s03e11   State Of The A.R.T.
s03e12   Season's Greedings
s03e13   Murder Most Foul
s03e14   Slide Like An Egyptian
s03e15   Paradise Lost
s03e16   The Exodus (1/2)
s03e17   The Exodus (2/2)
s03e18   Sole Survivors
s03e19   The Breeder
s03e20   The Last Of Eden
s03e21   The Other Slide Of Darkness
s03e22   Slither
s03e23   Dinoslide
s03e24   Stoker
s03e25   This Slide Of Paradise

Season 4 :

s04e01   Genesis
s04e02   Prophets And Loss
s04e03   Common Ground
s04e04   Virtual Slide
s04e05   World Killer
s04e06   Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
s04e07   Just Say Yes
s04e08   The Alternateville Horror
s04e09   Slidecage
s04e10   Asylum
s04e11   California Reich
s04e12   The Dying Fields
s04e13   Lipschitz Live
s04e14   Mother and Child
s04e15   Net Worth
s04e16   Slide By Wire
s04e17   Data World
s04e18   Way Out West
s04e19   My Brother's Keeper
s04e20   The Chasm
s04e21   Roads Taken
s04e22   Revelations

Season 5 :

s05e01   The Unstruck Man
s05e02   Applied Physics
s05e03   Strangers And Comrades
s05e04   The Great Work
s05e05   New Gods For Old
s05e06   Please Press One
s05e07   A Current Affair
s05e08   Java Jive
s05e09   The Return Of Maggie Beckett
s05e10   Easy Slider
s05e11   Requiem
s05e12   Map Of Mind
s05e13   A Thousand Deaths
s05e14   Heavy Metal
s05e15   To Catch A Slider
s05e16   Dust
s05e17   Eye Of The Storm
s05e18   The Seer


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