Episode 15 of "Bones"
s01e15 Two Bodies in the Lab
Title: Two Bodies in the Lab
Original Air Date: 03/15/2006 on Fox
Plot Outline:
When Brennan is about to meet an online date for the first time at a local restaurant, she only barely escapes being the target of a shooting and she and Booth are trying to track down her attempted killer. Was it the man she met online? Or is it someone connected to one of the two bodies she's investigating – the victim of a mob hit and the victim of a serial killer? Brennan is not deterred and insists on continuing all the investigations, while Booth sticks close by her side - until he's the victim of a bomb explosion, rigged to Brennan's refrigerator. With Booth hospitalized, Brennan gets protection from Agent Kenton of the FBI, but FBI protection is not enough and Booth must race to save Brennan's life.
Episode Pictures: