Episode 5 of "Taken"
s01e05 Maintenance
Title: Maintenance
Original Air Date: 12/06/2002 on Sci-Fi
Director: Felix Enriquez Alcala
Writer: Leslie Bohem
Guest Stars: Dean Wray (Ronnie), Matthew Walker (Dr Franklin Traub), Jesse Hutch (Groom Lake Private), Steve Makaj (Sweatshirt Guy), Sadie Lawrence (Carol Clarke), Devin Douglas Drewitz (Young Charlie), Alessandro Juliani (Bobby), Bob Wilde (Carny), Terry David Mulligan (Interviewer), John B. Lowe (Dr Findlay), Ken Comroux (Luke Reynolds), Taylor-Anne Reid (Young Lisa), Anysha Berthot (Young Mary), Alexandra Purvis (Lisa Clake (Teen)), Elle Fanning (Allie (age 3)), Sarah Hattingh (Young Woman)
Plot Outline:
Eric Crawford continues his father's secret government investigation and pursues Jacob Clarke and Jesse Keys for answers about the existence of aliens.