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  Las Vegas
 86 episodes, 4 seasons
United States (2003-????)
Returning Series

Episode 44 of "Las Vegas"
s02e21 Hide and Sneak

Title: Hide and Sneak

Original Air Date: 04/25/2005 on NBC

Guest Stars: Oliver Muirhead (Valet), Matthew Glave (Jason Decker), Ken Weiler (Stern), James McDaniel (Gavin Brunson), Sean Cw Johnson (Seth), Wolf Muser (Hank Davis), Victor Webster (Estefan), Gavin Black (Vic Vid Kid Kenner), David Magidoff (Geek)

Plot Outline:

Ed suspects that the Montecito's security system has been breached and that he and his hotel staff are now under surveillance, Danny and Mike are employed to expose the identity of the phantom mole. Meanwhile, Sam is seduced by a high-rolling vampire when he mysteriously appears in her room. Elsewhere, DeLinda escorts her sheepishly innocent Amish cousin as he sows his oats on the Vegas strip before returning to the simple life.


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