Episode 31 of "Babylon 5"
s02e09 The Coming of Shadows
Title: The Coming of Shadows
Original Air Date: 02/02/1995 on Syndication
Director: Janet Greek
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
Guest Stars: Malachi Throne (Centauri Prime Minister), Jonathan Chapman (Narn Pilot #2), Kim Strauss (Narn Pilot #1), Neil Bradley (Kha'Mak), William Forward (Refa), Bryan Michael McGuire (Customs Guard #1), Turhan Bey (Centauri Emperor), Michael O'Hare (Ambassador Jeffrey Sinclair)
Plot Outline:
The aging Centauri emperor travels to Babylon 5 despite his failing health. Refa sees this as an opportunity to have Londo publicly embarrass the emperor, while G'Kar prepares to assassinate him.