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  Arrested Development
 53 episodes, 3 seasons
United States (2003-????)
Returning Series

Episode 30 of "Arrested Development"
s02e08 Queen for a Day

Title: Queen for a Day

Original Air Date: 01/23/2005 on Fox

Director: Andrew Flemming
Writer: Brad Copeland

Guest Stars: Jeff Garlin (Mort Meyers), Tom Virtue (Kell)

Plot Outline:

Michael sells a portion of his stock in the Bluth company to buy a car, and Lucille 2 returns, only to discover that Buster is dating the company secretary Starla.

Episode Pictures:

Arrested Development photo 1 (episode s02e08) Arrested Development photo 2 (episode s02e08) Arrested Development photo 3 (episode s02e08) Arrested Development photo 4 (episode s02e08)
Arrested Development photo 5 (episode s02e08) Arrested Development photo 6 (episode s02e08) Arrested Development photo 7 (episode s02e08) Arrested Development photo 8 (episode s02e08)


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