Episode 80 of "Angel"
s04e14 Release
Title: Release
Original Air Date: 03/12/2003 on WB
Director: James A. Contner
Guest Stars: Paul Tigue (Reg), Catalina Larranaga (Vamp Waitress), Peter Renaday (Voice of Master), Darren Laverty (Lackey Vamp #1), Sam Stefanski (Lackey Vamp #2), Becka Linder (Drugged Girl #1), Chris Huse (Drugged Vamp #2), Ian Anthony Dale (Drugged Vamp #3), Randall Rapstine (Reg), Andrew MgGinnis (Mullet Head Vamp)
Plot Outline:
Wesley takes Faith to his appartment, where she has a shower and cleans herself up. Wesley wants Faith to be more powerful and tries to make her angry by calling her a 'rabid dog', but she doesn't enjoy the violence as much as she used to. Angelus visits a bar where he discovers that other demons and vampires are not happy about the sun returning to Los Angeles, so he has become very unpopular. He hears a voice of the Beast's master, it keeps pestering him about it's plans for him and informs him that it has his soul. At the same time Cordelia is in bed talking in secret to Angelus. Connor walks in and she stops, but reminds Connor to keep their child a secret. Angelus later enters the hotel looking for a book. He is immune to Lorne's recent sanctuary spell, because of an amulet that he is holding. Fred notices that the amulet is fake and hits him. Angelus grabs Wesley and threatens to kill him, but then he just exits the hotel. Faith and Wesley later visit a bar where Angelus was last seen, they question a girl about his current location. When she refuses to talk, Wesley stabs her in the shoulder. This makes Faith surprisingly upset. When the girl finally talks, they discover where Angelus is, and that whoever the Beast worked for now has control of Angelus. Wesley and Faith go to a warehouse, where they see Angelus. He plays with Faith's emotions, he says that she will always be a killer, she could never change. After a very long battle, Faith says "I'm not like you". Angelus gets the upper hand, leans towards her neck and says "soon you will be".
Episode Pictures: