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 110 episodes, 5 seasons
United States (1999-2004)
Canceled/Ended in 2004

Episode 5 of "Angel"
s01e05 Rm w/a Vu

Title: Rm w/a Vu

Original Air Date: 11/02/1999 on WB

Director: Scott McGinnis
Writer: Jane Espenson

Guest Stars: Lara McGrath (Manager), Corey Klemow (Young Man), Greg Collins (Keith), Denney Pierce (Vic), Marcus Redmond (Griff), Beth Grant (Maude Pearson)

Plot Outline:

Cordelia Chase lives in the projects, and she's not happy about it. When she returns one evening to her roach-infested digs, she decides that desperate times calls for desperate measures and moves into Angel's apartment. Angel, unthrilled by his new roommate situation, makes a pact with Doyle: if Doyle can find Cordelia new digs, Angel will help him out with his debt negotiations. Doyle holds up his end of the bargain and finds a stunningly beautiful one-bedroom apartment. At first, Cordy's on top of the world, but she soon gets the willies. Drawers open and close, furniture moves, and the wind blows to and fro. After some research, Angel learns that the apartment was owned by a woman who mysteriously died in the 1950s. Even more compelling is the number of single-woman suicides that have occurred in the apartment since her occupation. He and Doyle figure out that there is a ghost that is somehow murdering the women. While Angel is away doing research, Cordelia is lured back to the apartment and is confronted by the apparition. At first she is overwhelmed, but she later gathers her moxie and sends the ghost back to her rightful place.

Episode Pictures:

Angel photo 1 (episode s01e05) Angel photo 2 (episode s01e05) Angel photo 3 (episode s01e05) Angel photo 4 (episode s01e05)
Angel photo 5 (episode s01e05) Angel photo 6 (episode s01e05) Angel photo 7 (episode s01e05) Angel photo 8 (episode s01e05)


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