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  7th Heaven
 243 episodes, 11 seasons
United States (1996-????)
Returning Series

Episode 9 of "7th Heaven"
s01e09 See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Title: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Original Air Date: 11/18/1996 on WB

Director: Harry Harris
Writer: Catherine LePard

Guest Stars: Steve Larson (Robber), Michael Monks (Man), Peg Phillips (Mrs. Hinkle), Harold Ayer (Mr. Larsen), Paul L. Motley (Mr. Fitzpatrick), Nick McGuire (Choir Master)

Plot Outline:

After Annie and Matt are car-jacked, Matt fears of leaving the house while Annie appears unusually normal after being car-jacked. Eventually it hits Annie--- especially after losing her wedding ring and that her son could've been killed instantly. Meanwhile, Lucy fears that her relationship with Jimmy Moon will suffer when they both decide to run for class president. Also, in order for Mary to fit in with her basketball team friends, Mary thinks about getting a tattoo since the rest of the team is doing it.

Episode Pictures:

7th Heaven photo 1 (episode s01e09) 7th Heaven photo 2 (episode s01e09) 7th Heaven photo 3 (episode s01e09) 7th Heaven photo 4 (episode s01e09)
7th Heaven photo 5 (episode s01e09) 7th Heaven photo 6 (episode s01e09) 7th Heaven photo 7 (episode s01e09) 7th Heaven photo 8 (episode s01e09)


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