Episode 47 of "Mad about You"
s02e25 With This Ring... (2/2)
Title: With This Ring... (2/2)
Original Air Date: 05/19/1994 on NBC
Director: Tom Moore
Writer: Danny Jacobson, Jeffrey Lane
Guest Stars: Patty Toy (Tammy), Jimm Giannini (Hot Dog Vendor), Darrell Kunitomi (Kim), Andrew J. Ferchland (Noah)
Plot Outline:
The real marriage anniversary arrives and Jamie gives Paul a gift - swiss military knife - and receives a gift from Paul - a machine for making sugar products. Both disappointed with their gifts, they go to a store where it turns out that they have totally different opinions about children. Then, when they have lunch with Paul's sister, the Buchmans try to entertain Susan's son Nah while she's on the phone. Paul realizes that having kids is nothing different than having a dog, but Jamie has totally different opinion...