Episode 43 of "Mad about You"
s02e21 Disorientation
Title: Disorientation
Original Air Date: 04/28/1994 on NBC
Director: Tom Moore
Writer: Jeffrey Lane, Jack Burditt
Guest Stars: Jim Piddock (Logic Professor), Alan Wilder (Registar #1), Adilah Barnes (Registar #2), Julia Sweeney (French Professor), Mary Portser (Psychology Professor), Lightfield Lewis (Student with 'Fresh Vomit' Cap), Stephen Pearlman (Ethics Professor), Sydney Brown (Coed in the Line), Louie Maggiotto (Student with Basketball)
Plot Outline:
Night before her return to school Jamie is worried about is Paul supporting her completly. Paul tells her that she has already signed in and payed for the school and that he has no problem with it. After Jamie goes to school, Paul relizes that he has forgotten to send her notification and her certification, so he hired the whole gang to protect him until he repared the whole thing.