Episode 60 of "Babylon 5"
s03e16 War Without End (1/2)
Title: War Without End (1/2)
Original Air Date: 05/16/1996 on Syndication
Director: Mike Vejar
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
Guest Stars: Michael O'Hare (Ambassador Jeffrey Sinclair), Kevin Fry (Centauri Guard), Time Winters (Rathenn), Eric Zivot (Spragg)
Plot Outline:
Ivanova gets a distress call from herself pleading for help as the Shadows destroy Babylon 5. It is dated eight days into the future. At the same time, on Minbar, Sinclair is given a nine-hundred-year-old letter from Valen, telling him that a drastic action must be taken to prevent that future.